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First day in the field

On our first day in the streets of Harare, Khayelitsha we knocked on seven doors to invite Mamas of the area to participate in the project.

Behind the first door was a foreigner from Nigeria who told us a story of what happened to the house she was renting - people broke in and threatened her life. She was too afraid to allow her picture being taken, but she spoke for long. Behind the second door we knocked on, we found a Mama who wanted to take bath first. We might come back another day. The third door opened into the house of a woman who had a conversation with us, told us that for a long time she is not feeling safe. And she was the first participating Mama of the project - Nophelo Mxoli. The forth one also agreed to join the project, and had her picture taken, but didn't say much. Behind the fifth door was a Mama who needed to do her hair first, and asked for us to come back later. Another lady said she is new in the area, arrived in only that morning, and she did not feel comfortable to have her picture taken by a stranger.

The last one talked to us about feeling not safe, but couldn't agree to be photographed because she doesn't know us.

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